What is the difference between the path of yoga and tantra?
The path of yoga is made of doing by suppression with awareness,where we apply methods , techniques that takes you to Yoga. The path of Tantra is a path of indulgence with awareness, all situation is perfect nothing need to be rejected or change . Methods and techniques are also applied but you need to indulge in them with awareness then you can experiment what is tantra: going beyond consciousness or in consciousness, being in perpetual Love. The extension or continuity of Tantra is the path of Ati yoga, Dzogchen . The path of self perfection where nothing need to be change all is perfect since the beginning...... this is my reflection of the day after visiting A Vajra yogini temple and Swayanbunath stupa in Kathmandu. tomorrow if the buses are going i be going towards Siva or Guru Rimpoche lake in Helambu. Today i had to wait no buses due to election! Bless be. Dhaya Dorje
The Yin and the Yang shine and reflect each other.
Stillness and movement co exist in all. The power of our inner mirror has no equal! It reflects back to us absolutely every thing There is no place to hide For this mirror to reach its full potential one must go back to his Natural state. The natural state is not a path, a school or a teaching. It is there always present with each one of us But most people can t recognize it because their mirror or inner diamond is clouded by much conditioning, attachment, fear… This is why one needs teachings and guidance to be able to reestablish the awareness of The Absolute Presence Love Light of their natural condition. The time has come to Awake and stop running away from ourselves. May you all be guided toward liberation, freedom and self mastery. Infinite Love, Infinite Felicity, the Soul liberated from the grasp of the body flies toward freedom. Earthly life is only a passage into physical matter! The Divine Being that we are is Eternal. Dhaya Dorje Not all path of Yoga are taking you to the same place. Some are for relaxation, well being, better health, social meeting, fashion exercises, discovering yourself…. and finally the real yoga that brings you to total liberation and to the true knowledge of who you are and how you function. When choosing a yoga style or a teacher one must be clear of their objective. Have a clear understanding that this yoga style and teacher can take you where you like to go. Many will say all yoga takes you to the same place but today it is not true, because yoga is not necessarily yoga any more. Be Aware and smart. It is good to ask questions and understand before committing to a path. This is also good for other path or disciplines like martial art, kung fu, tai ji, tao, meditation, reiki, healing, breatharian (prana) movement and others….. Please do not follow blindly. Understand, feel the connection then follow with awareness and discernment. Sat Nam Dear brothers and sisters, for me the year is finishing at full speed. The planet is going trough big changes very fast. Despite the diverse type of pollution created by humans, Mother earth nature is doing her best to go back to her original condition. This is where my skills are put into action! After walking on the sacred sites of Nepal where I contributed to the liberation of many diverse energies, now it is the turn for New Zealand. A land that used to be very sacred and where the elemental forces where very strong. This land, country is awakening very fast, some says that it will be the first country to awake fully to the higher vibration available on earth. For sure since I arrived, now a week ago, so much as happened in a little time. My presence has been required in diverse places and the experiences I had during this process might prove that this to be true. Remember: to be able to establish a good foundation or new start we must clean the rubbish. This is also what is necessary for the planet, she is going trough a big cleansing. Since the beginning Humans have been imposing their laws and ways to mother nature and to each other and this is preventing the cycle of life to take place naturally. Even today some light workers, healers, shamans, religious people …are creating more temples, creating new vortexes of energy, implanting energies or ideas that are not helping the planet to be free and balance. This is all about ego, wanting to control or feeling that we are useful. Wanting to do too much by projecting on the outside instead of doing the inner work. If you like to help the planet then start by feeling one with her with no mind. Once this is done all that is not in balance and harmony around you can be felt within you. I do not say you are taking on energy, but you are becoming one with the surrounding. Then you know what is not in balance or harmony because you experience it from the inside. So it is by bringing back harmony and balance within you that you can give the best help. It is not by imposing any type of projection. Shine from the inside out with a silent mind. Become an instrument of Grace. Once we are becoming more and more part of the united field of consciousness there is no more separation and we understand that the only way to help is from the inside. From the inside actions can extend to the outside but they origin is inside. This is why many yogis, light workers have been guided to diverse places on the planet. One just needs to be there and continue the sadhana (spiritual discipline) like you are use to then it all happen, unfolding naturally. This is the real way to help. Thank you to life and All That Is. Dhaya Dorje About practicing Yoga asanas (posture).Most people focus on developing a good looking posture and to have more stretch, flexibility. Then they think that they have master the posture and are doing good yoga, but this is not necessary true! Many practitioners that can do all postures very well can be very rigid inside. They have created so much tensions by over stretching the body, bringing so much stress and energy blockages in them. The important part of a good asana is to relax from within, feel the breath going smoothly adapting itself to the position, the inner organs adjusting themselves to the posture, the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascias relaxing and opening themselves in a natural way without forcing. Remember practicing Yoga asanas should bring goblal health and prepare you to sit in meditation in a confortable and relax way. And at a more advance level to bring all the prana into the central chanel so you can experiment your true nature and condition. Dhaya Dorje
When i went down from Goaidunda pass i took the trail to Melanchi goan where Guru Rimpoche spent some time in retreat. The area of Melanchi goan as been quite devasted by the last big earth quake, most houses now are build temporary with still sheet, so very cold or very hot. At the time of this earth quake i was myself in Thamel Kathmandu. It was quite an experience! Siva ( Siva wrote like in South India and Shiva like in North India) is connected to the energy of destruction in the sence of bringing back every thing to its original state and emptiness. Melanchi Goan is part of the land of Guru Rimpoche where many practitioners have come to do retreats. Even there the destruction as come and now all need to be rebluid. Something need to be understood! There is so much miss used of the teaching and the religion. Did Humans will learn their lessons with more respect to themselves, other life and mother nature? Unfortunaly it does not look like it. What will it take so people make some real changes in their life and live in harmony with All that Is? Wake up! Our mother earth is showing us that we are on the wrong path. The time as come to bring more simplicity in our lives, more love, compassion, respect for all life form here and beyond. Guru Rimpoche said that this land is under his protection but the earth quake striked because there is no other ways to make the changes happen. As I walk trought the land of Siva and Guru Rimpoche I feel more and more that both are the same Being, masnifesting a different body at a different period. Destruction is here to bring back harmony, balance between the worlds and all life form. Destruction is here to put all our conditioning, ideas.. back to they their origin that is nothing, just empyiness. Only from that point one can realy understand the truth! A big cleansing is happening on the planet, Siva/Guru Rimpoche are active, walking on earth to make the changes possible. Some of us are their instrument, working hands in hands for the evolution of Humanity and all worlds. To be one of those person that work for the evolution of All is not something that you decide with your mind. One day It happens by itself! Start to make your life more simple, then be more honest, more transparent, more compassionate, more loving with yourself then all will unfold for you. Do not pretend to be what you are not. Accept the changes, the suffering that might come up by loving yourself, letting go the past. This is the destruction in action, going back to the zero point. Accept that and you be fine. If you resist to it, so much suffering can come and for sure you will not be the winner. There is nothing to fear, only when all is gone you can go beyod the apparences ans experiment True Love. Dear brothers and sisters the time as come to come back home and manifest who you realy are. Dhaya Dorje Yogi |
August 2022