Dragon Buddha Hermit Yoga
This course and the lineage of Dragon Buddha Hermit Yoga is one of the 3 pillars that constitute the foundation of the Grace of Being path of training, known as Awakening the Inner Diamond. This training in Dragon Buddha Hermit Yoga establishes the foundation and knowledge of how your body, energy, and mind function.
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This course and the lineage of Dragon Buddha Hermit Yoga is one of the 3 pillars that constitute the foundation of the Grace of Being path of training, known as Awakening the Inner Diamond. This training in Dragon Buddha Hermit Yoga establishes the foundation and knowledge of how your body, energy, and mind function.
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"As I was filming this course I felt what I have always felt, that this is the foundation course for all Grace of Being training, and it is even advanced and can take you so far… These practices are so amazing in themselves…The way I introduce it is with the use of the spine and the breath and bringing this awareness of grounding the chi in the body…. It's not just like yoga, it is more like if you combine in one practice yoga and qigong. Which we call nei gong in chinese. Yoga is used because we do not have any other words…."
- Dhaya Dorje
- Dhaya Dorje
Dragon Buddha Hermit Yoga - Awakening the Inner Diamond
Online Course
In this course you will receive up to 5 hours of video featuring:
Still shots from some of the featured videos:
Online Course
In this course you will receive up to 5 hours of video featuring:
- Explanation, teaching, and transmission on Dragon Buddha Hermit Yoga salutation and refuge chant.
- Proper breathing technique
- The 7 characteristics of meditation posture & the diverse ways to sit
- Buddha Way of Meditation
- Breathing & Movement
- Sinking the Prana
- 3 Standing poses
- 3 Poses to open the legs & hips
- 8 Sitting poses
- 5 Lying poses
- Tips on how to structure a personal sadhana
Still shots from some of the featured videos:
- Each video features Dhaya Dorje's in depth demonstration and commentary of each position/movement/pose.
- A downloadable PDF that summarizes the teachings and commentary for each section of the course.
- The course will also include a free download of Dhaya Dorje's book - Dragon Buddha Hermit Yoga.
- After exploring the teachings and practices of this Foundation Course, we recommend you schedule a skype meeting with Dhaya Dorje. This way he can guide you on the subtleties of each pose and point things out that you may be missing, ignoring, or suppressing.
- Once you and Dhaya Dorje feel you have mastered and integrated these foundational movements, if one is so inspired, they can either move to another Foundational Courses or go deeper with DBHY by training with the rest of the material in Dhaya Dorje's book - Dragon Buddha Hermit Yoga. Once one feels they have thoroughly trained through the material they can be certified as licensed teacher through Dhaya Dorje.
- To read more about where Dragon Buddha Hermit Yoga comes from, read here.